Answer to Photo Quiz #7/12

Arthur James Lyon Fremantle (1835–1901)

The author of Three Months in the Southern States a book written by Lieutenant Colonel Arthur Fremantle, a member of Her Majesty's Coldstream Guards, upon his return to England from his three month stay (April 2 until July 16, 1863) in the Confederate States of America. Most specifically mentioned in the book are Fremantle's travels through Texas, the deep south, and finally when he arrived in the company of the Army of Northern Virginia on June 27, and witnessed the Battle of Gettysburg firsthand, as part of a cadre of foreign observers attached to the headquarters of Lt. Gen. James Longstreet. When published, the book became a best seller in both Britain and America, both North and South, but was then forgotten until its reissue on the eve of the centenary of the American Civil War.

- Photographed in civilian attire
As portrayed with Gen. Armistead before Pickett's Charge in the movie "Gettysburg" -

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"General Sir Arthur James Lyon Fremantle "

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