Answer to Photo Quiz #3/09

- Lt. Catesby ap. R. Jones -
Exective officer of the CSS Virginia C.S.N.

Born April 15, 1821 in Fairfield, Virginia, son of Major General Roger Jones and Mary Ann Mason Page. (The "ap" in his name is a Welsh patronymic meaning "son of".), he was a cousin of General Robert E. Lee. Appointed a Midshipman in 1836, he served extensively at sea. Lieutenant Jones resigned his U.S. Navy commission, becoming a Confederate Navy Lieutenant in June. In 1861-62, he lead the converting the USS Merrimack into an ironclad and was the ship's Executive Officer when she was commissioned as the CSS Virginia. During the Battle of Hampton Roads, when her Commanding Officer, Captain Franklin Buchanan, was wounded, Jones temporarily took command, leading the ship during her historic engagement with USS Monitor on the following day.
- Commanded CSS Virginia against USS Monitor ~ March 9, 1862 -

Correct Responces:
Bill Chisolm

- Links to More information -
"Career of Catesby ap. R. Jones"

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